Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Arrivals for the Pond

Here are three new Japanese Sushui Koi I purchased for my pond. In a couple of weeks I will be purchasing more from a co-worker.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Ladies Catching Fireflies

I wonderful evening spent with the Rupperts and the Chengs. My wife and daughters along with all of our guests were out catching fireflies in a pj's too!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Moved the Fish Today

Got the water treated for fish and moved them to their new digs.  Next phase is to get the plants transplanted to the right spots and order more rocks.  I may get some new fish too to replace the ones I lost during the snow storm.  The biggest issue are the rocks.  Not enough to get things the way I want them.  More sweat and sore backs!

Almost full

The new pond is almost full.  Today I will get the waterfalls going.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The liner is in!

And the water is flowing.  2075 gallons!  Ill get the water in about 75% then ill trim up the liner.  Best not to do that until the water gets in and pushes the liner to the sides.

If the weather holds up tomorrow I may get more done.