This morning I bagged two doe. Just down the hill from our house. I got a late start this morning and got into the woods around 7:30am. About 30 minutes later I saw two of them come down from Buddy's place. I decided to take the 2nd deer first as it was an easier shot. The other deer just stood there with it's tail up looking a bit confused. When a shot opened up I took that one too. This morning makes up for many days of bad shots and missed deer so far. These bring my total to 3 so far this year...and I have a week to go! I plan to have one made into stew/stir fry meat and the other one ground into burger. Today the temp reached 60 degrees and tomorrow it's going to be in the 70's. I'll need to take the deer to the processor tonight.
My cousin plans to come out at least once or twice next week to hunt deer or squirrels. There are a hundred squirrels in the woods within an easy shot of the house. They are having a tough time this year as apparently the acorns are not as plentiful. They need to be thinned out a bit or many are going to just starve to death, especially if the winter turns really bad.
We plan to get some skiing in hopefully next week. The warm weekend I'm sure won't help things up on the mountain. More later.