Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Downy Woodpecker Making a Nest

Also taken this past weekend at Lake Mercer was this Downy Woodpecker making a nest in a dead pine tree. The nest is about 6 feet off the ground and about 20 feet off the paved trail. It didn't seem to mind me as long as I stayed to the trail but step a foot toward the tree and it would fly off. 20 feet was good enough for my 500mm lens! No need to push it getting closer. There are two woodpeckers that look almost identical, the Downy and the Hairy Woodpecker. The Downy has a shorter beak. Hard to tell apart if you don't see a picture of each side by side. I'll let you know when I find a Hairy Woodpecker!

Downy Woodpecker working on the front door

Same Downy Woodpecker working on the back door

Here is an HD video of the same Downy building it's nest

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